Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Safehands and Why you should use it

Did you know that your normal hand sanitizers contain over 60% alcohol? I'm telling you this because not only does it dry out and crack your hands but this is very very dangerous for children. There are cases where young children have licked their hands after using hand sanitizer such as Purel and Germ-ex and had to be rushed to the hospital due to severe illness. The alcohol gets into your child's system and causes them to have alcohol levels of someone who drinks 120 proof! This causes a young child to be severely impaired and in danger! These hand sanitizers are being used in our schools, daycares, and homes. Parents I can't stress this enough to you... PLEASE PLEASE DON'T USE THIS ON YOUR CHILD! Children don't know better, you can tell them over and over to not put their hands in their mouth but they do. It also seeps into the pores of your child skin just by rubbing it in! It's our job as parents to keep our children safe from dangerous products such as this! Their is an alternative though, SafeHands has created an effective hand sanitizer for everyone that does NOT have alcohol in it! Safehands is the only safe hand sanitizer that has no alcohol with a patented formula that is 99.9% effective in killing germs and it moisturizes your hands! Please help me spread the word by sharing this post. I will continue to post about Safehands hand sanitizer and spread this information until I am blue in the face! Our schools, daycares, homes, hospitals and more need Safehands. This is so important to the wellbeing and safety of our children, elderly, and us! Please share this post!

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