Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Anderson's 100% Maple Syrup


As you all known, I am a sucker for late night sweet snacks! Tonight I had the sweet pleasure of trying Anderson's Maple Syrup, Inc. for the first time! Not knowing what to expect after years of growing up on syrup you by from walmart, I have to say words can't even begin to describe how amazing & delicious Anderson's Maple syrup is! It has a taste like I've never tasted before.... sweet & smooth! Their 100% pure maple syrup is a beautiful amber color! It's more smooth and less sticky than any other syrup I've ever tried! Their Natural maple syrup comes straight from the sap of a maple tree containing vitamins & minerals with no additives or preservatives! I love how it comes in a glass bottle instead of plastic! Not only are you able to see the beautiful amber color through the bottle but glass preserves the flavor of the maple syrup! Tonight I used it as a dip for hot biscuits & it was scrumptious! Anderson's 100% pure maple syrup is completely satisfying! Everything you think you know about syrup forget it.... until you have Anderson's 100% Maple syrup then you haven't had syrup!! Anderson's has been creating their syrup for 80 years and it shows through their product! They have perfected the flavor and smoothness of their syrup! Anderson's also has flavored syrup along with an organic syrup that I will definitely be trying soon! If you want to get your hands on REAL syrup, then get Anderson's 100% Maple syrup for a taste you won't forget!

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