Wednesday, October 4, 2017



Hansderma has created amazing products to use in our daily lives! Qirex is a topical all natural oil formula designed to increase your energy levels naturally! There is no crash with this product like you find with coffee or energy drinks! This amazing product is applied to 3 key points on your body! This product truly makes a difference in your energy levels! I applied it this morning and I feel great! It is a stress reducer, increases stamina, & helps you concentrate with absolutely no side effects! Qi is a life force that circulates through your energy channels in your body, therefore the blood following brings nutrients to the cells. I have definitely noticed a change in concentration as well as energy with just one use! This can also be used to calm babies, boost your immune system, and for allergies! 
Their HD Skincool ice roller is an amazing tool that you freeze and use on your body. Inside the roller is a gel. It is amazing to roll on sore muscles, tense neck, or any part of your body. I catch migraines so rolling it on my forehead and neck is really amazing! This tool is great to looses up those tight muscles and relax!

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